Quality over quantity
The third and final principal is that when it comes to content, quality will always trump quantity. Your goal isn’t to simply create lots of content and most A/E/C firms already have no shortage of content. The goal of every A/E/C firm should be to create remarkable, magnetic content that engages your audience and accomplishes a defined purpose. And quality content — content that stands out from the competition, resonates with prospects and clients and is deserving of your audience’s valuable time — requires a significant effort of time, planning and resources to create.
Avoid temptation
The kind of content that’s going to move the needle for your A/E/C firm can’t be thrown together or copied and pasted, so don’t sacrifice quality for the sake of quantity. Even if your firm has adopted a customer-centric approach to your content, it’s easy for company-focused content to creep back in, especially when quantity is needed. But in the end, pushing out content that lacks quality, whether in substance or style, will not produce the desired results and will only hurt your efforts in the long run.
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Content is everything in marketing! It’s the “guts” of your proposals, website, emails, blog, newsletter and basically every form of marketing communications. So getting your content right is absolutely paramount. The right kind of content can be a game changer for your A/E/C firm and by following these three guiding principles, your firm will be headed in the right direction.