Free On-Demand Webinar
Is your firm’s website your most valuable talent recruitment asset? It CAN be! More than two-thirds of job seekers visit a firm’s website before applying and nearly 90% believe it’s essential for finding key information.
A site that successfully attracts top talent differentiates, tells your firms’ story, and engages candidates. However, many websites lack the design, content, features, functionality, and technical foundation necessary to excite potential recruits and make a lasting impact. So how can you turn yours into a talent magnet?
Tim Asimos, CPSM, Partner and Director of Digital at circle S studio, will share innovative ideas that can transform a website into a dynamic recruitment machine. Leveraging his extensive experience in web development, he’ll share real world examples and cutting-edge best practices, offer practical tips and tricks, answer FAQs, and give attendees actionable takeaways for optimizing their websites for talent acquisition.
Fill out the form below to watch this webinar immediately!