Is your vision clear?
A strategic plan is not a list of tactics but rather a holistic, well-researched document that is aligned with your vision. And that’s the right place to start — to assess that your vision is inspiring and provides a strong rallying call for your team.
Is your vision forward looking and does it align with where you see your company in 10 years? Does the vision honor the type of work your firm excels at doing, is there a market opportunity for that work and is it profitable? Discuss and verify that every person on your leadership team understands the vision, can clearly articulate it, and buys into it. If it doesn’t resonate with leadership, your chances of achieving that vision are greatly diminished.
Once the vision is aligned, next create a 3-year plan that will guide you to that vision. Then look at a 1-year plan, what will get accomplished each quarter and most importantly who owns what. I can’t emphasize enough, do not have more than 3-4 major initiatives in a year. Cliché but true, we all have 24 hours, and the best outcomes happen when you’re laser focused on key initiatives.