Set the tone of your office for employees and clients

RiverFront Investment Group, a global asset manager, brings in multiple elements of their brand, such as their logo and patterns in unique materials to wow entering clients and employees.
When you imagine the average cookie-cutter office space — before a designer comes in to brighten it up — your mental image will likely include drab carpeting, poor lighting, awkward sight lines, and a forced perspective that make the space feel both claustrophobic and cavernous at the same time.
While new carpets, some colorful furniture, and warmer tube lights in the ceiling may help to make the space more habitable, it doesn’t change the fact that the office will often feel more like an office you’re inhabiting rather than an office that feels like home.
At its most basic level, a superior workplace design strives to capture your brand through physical elements built into your place of work. For example, a snap reaction to entering a law firm might be “wood, books, leather” while walking into a marketing agency with an open concept might make you think “airy, bright, colorful.”
Put more simply, by thoughtfully choosing interior design elements that match your brand, you can infuse the feeling of your brand into the spaces you work in. If your brand has a professional tone, you can choose physical elements that invoke the idea of “professionalism.” If you take a more human approach, elements like murals and photos can help lighten up your space and invoke a friendlier environment.
In doing so, you can surround the individuals who work and visit your space with elements that are uniquely “you”, setting the tone of the experience for both employees and clients the moment they step through your doors.